
Conceptual design, scientific research and texts: Werner Lorenz

Conceptual design and development of the 3D building models: Mark Gielen

Preparation for interactive use: Lorenz Wieseke, 3D IT, Dresden

Web design: Simone Claudia Hamm, SPP 2255 / BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Today’s building photos: Wolfgang Bittner, Berlin

Start image: Outer dome covering the entrance hall of the Bode Museum, 2020

© Werner Lorenz and Mark Gielen with 3D IT, 2023 All rights reserved.

Conceptual design, scientific research and texts: Werner Lorenz

Conceptual design and development of the 3D building models: Mark Gielen

Preparation for interactive use: Lorenz Wieseke, 3D IT, Dresden

Web design: Simone Claudia Hamm, SPP 2255 / BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Today’s building photos: Wolfgang Bittner, Berlin

Start image: Outer dome covering the entrance hall of the Bode Museum, 2020

© Werner Lorenz and Mark Gielen with 3D IT, 2023 All rights reserved.

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 © hidden structures 2023