The "Thier-Arzney Schule" - a previously unknown building task
At the end of the 1760s, Friedrich II ("the Great") had already tried to establish an "École vétérinaire" for the first time in Prussia in order to use scientific methods to better combat the rampant livestock epidemics in the country. However, the project was initially abandoned in 1770 for cost reasons.
It was only under his successor Friedrich Wilhelm II in 1789 that the construction of the "Thier-Arzney-Schule" (School of veterinary medicine) could actually begin. Carl Gotthard Langhans, who had been appointed head of the Oberhofbauamt (Superior Court Building Department) the previous year, was responsible for this - an architect who was also involved in the construction of the Brandenburg Gate at the same time.
Langhans' design is characterized by a square floor plan, the outer sides of which are divided by risalits. The Anatomy Hall, designed as a rotunda and covered by a ribbed dome with skylight, forms the center.
The "Thier-Arzney Schule" - a previously unknown building task
At the end of the 1760s, Friedrich II ("the Great") had already tried to establish an "École vétérinaire" for the first time in Prussia in order to use scientific methods to better combat the rampant livestock epidemics in the country. However, the project was initially abandoned in 1770 for cost reasons.
It was only under his successor Friedrich Wilhelm II in 1789 that the construction of the "Thier-Arzney-Schule" (School of veterinary medicine) could actually begin. Carl Gotthard Langhans, who had been appointed head of the Oberhofbauamt (Superior Court Building Department) the previous year, was responsible for this - an architect who was also involved in the construction of the Brandenburg Gate at the same time.
Langhans' design is characterized by a square floor plan, the outer sides of which are divided by risalits. The Anatomy Hall, designed as a rotunda and covered by a ribbed dome with skylight, forms the center.

The concept of "plank roofs"
For the design of the ribbed dome, Langhans drew on a concept that had already been developed and enthusiastically propagated in the 16th century by the French court architect Philibert de l'Orme (1514-77).
In these "plank roofs", as they were known in German, the rafters or dome ribs consisted of two or three layers of upright planks; however, they did not run along the entire length, but were made up of several short pieces with staggered joints. In the transverse direction, they were connected and secured by wedged transoms. The plank roofs could be erected without any further bracing or roof structures - a revolution in construction technology in France and Italy at the time and then in Prussia at the end of the 18th century!
The concept promised considerable savings in timber and costs compared to conventional roof structures: on the one hand, there was no need for a roof truss, and on the other, only short and therefore inexpensive planks were required for the rafters or ribs. However, it was not until decades later that the promised advantages did not necessarily materialize.
The concept of "plank roofs"
For the design of the ribbed dome, Langhans drew on a concept that had already been developed and enthusiastically propagated in the 16th century by the French court architect Philibert de l'Orme (1514-77).
In these "plank roofs", as they were known in German, the rafters or dome ribs consisted of two or three layers of upright planks; however, they did not run along the entire length, but were made up of several short pieces with staggered joints. In the transverse direction, they were connected and secured by wedged transoms. The plank roofs could be erected without any further bracing or roof structures - a revolution in construction technology in France and Italy at the time and then in Prussia at the end of the 18th century!
The concept promised considerable savings in timber and costs compared to conventional roof structures: on the one hand, there was no need for a roof truss, and on the other, only short and therefore inexpensive planks were required for the rafters or ribs. However, it was not until decades later that the promised advantages did not necessarily materialize.

The plank dome above the anatomy hall
Above the anatomy hall, the dome structure consists of 40 radially arranged ribs that form a hemisphere with a clear width of a good 13 meters. Eight of the ribs do not extend as far as the base ring, but end in alternations above the windows. The outer roofline is considerably flatter than the (almost) semicircle that defines the interior due to the strong extensions above the ribs. In accordance with de l'Orme's concept, both the ribs and the sliders are composed of several layers of upright planks.
After its completion, the dome, which is rather modest from today's perspective, attracted extraordinary attention. Even Friedrich Nicolai's "Description of a Journey through Germany and Switzerland", published in 1796, paid tribute to the "domed roof without a roof truss and without any beams or rafters".
The plank dome above the anatomy hall
Above the anatomy hall, the dome structure consists of 40 radially arranged ribs that form a hemisphere with a clear width of a good 13 meters. Eight of the ribs do not extend as far as the base ring, but end in alternations above the windows. The outer roofline is considerably flatter than the (almost) semicircle that defines the interior due to the strong extensions above the ribs. In accordance with de l'Orme's concept, both the ribs and the sliders are composed of several layers of upright planks.
After its completion, the dome, which is rather modest from today's perspective, attracted extraordinary attention. Even Friedrich Nicolai's "Description of a Journey through Germany and Switzerland", published in 1796, paid tribute to the "domed roof without a roof truss and without any beams or rafters".

Around 1878: A considerable part of the supporting structure has to be replaced
Since its construction, the Berlin Pioneer Building has required several major renovations and repairs. Problematic structural-physical characteristics, the difficult double-curved sealing or splash water on the rising tambour behind the support pockets of the ribs led to moisture penetration and the resulting fungal and rot damage.
In the run-up to the most recent basic repair, the David Hoolly-Bauforschung (office for building archaeology) in Berlin systematically examined the existing dome structure for the first time in 2008. This resulted in a reliable reconstruction of the restoration history and construction phase mapping for each individual structure.
According to this, the most far-reaching intervention took place around 1878, including the extensive replacement of many ribs in the northern half of the dome. The illustrations show the extent of the replacement (green) and the partial use of surviving plank sections for the reconstruction of the extensions (orange) using the example of the particularly damaged structures 26 and 28.
Around 1878: A considerable part of the supporting structure has to be replaced
Since its construction, the Berlin Pioneer Building has required several major renovations and repairs. Problematic structural-physical characteristics, the difficult double-curved sealing or splash water on the rising tambour behind the support pockets of the ribs led to moisture penetration and the resulting fungal and rot damage.
In the run-up to the most recent basic repair, the David Hoolly-Bauforschung (office for building archaeology) in Berlin systematically examined the existing dome structure for the first time in 2008. This resulted in a reliable reconstruction of the restoration history and construction phase mapping for each individual structure.
According to this, the most far-reaching intervention took place around 1878, including the extensive replacement of many ribs in the northern half of the dome. The illustrations show the extent of the replacement (green) and the partial use of surviving plank sections for the reconstruction of the extensions (orange) using the example of the particularly damaged structures 26 and 28.

After 1945: repairs to war damage
During World War II, parts of the building suffered considerable damage. In the dome, however, the damage remained comparatively manageable. However, water ingress subsequently led to greater damage; in addition, the existing building was probably already affected by older moisture penetration.
The repairs carried out soon after the end of the war led to further losses of original substance. The two illustrations show the post-war replacement (blue) of two particularly badly affected containers.
After 1945: repairs to war damage
During World War II, parts of the building suffered considerable damage. In the dome, however, the damage remained comparatively manageable. However, water ingress subsequently led to greater damage; in addition, the existing building was probably already affected by older moisture penetration.
The repairs carried out soon after the end of the war led to further losses of original substance. The two illustrations show the post-war replacement (blue) of two particularly badly affected containers.

2003 to 2012: Basic restoration and refurbishment
In 2003-12, the building underwent a comprehensive refurbishment, which included extensive restoration and reconstruction measures, the upgrading of the supporting structure, a complete replacement of the building services and further adaptations. The architects THOMAS MÜLLER IVAN REIMANN ARCHITEKTEN were responsible for the project, while the structural design was carried out by the engineering firm Rüdiger Jockwer, Berlin.
For the dome, the planners developed a concept following extensive preliminary investigations and in close consultation with the monument preservation authorities, which dispensed with the need to reinforce the historic supporting structure. Instead, a new ribbed structure made of glued laminated timber took over the load transfer. Following extensive sponge restoration and minor localised interventions (such as on the previously walled-in parts), the existing structure was thus preserved without any further major loss of substance. Today, it is considered to be the oldest plank truss construction in Germany, at least in parts.
Since the completion of the construction work, the Tieranatomisches Theater, which has been revitalised in an exemplary manner, has served as an exhibition and event building for the Hermann von Helmholtz Centre for Cultural Technology (HZK) as part of the Humboldt University.
2003 to 2012: Basic restoration and refurbishment
In 2003-12, the building underwent a comprehensive refurbishment, which included extensive restoration and reconstruction measures, the upgrading of the supporting structure, a complete replacement of the building services and further adaptations. The architects THOMAS MÜLLER IVAN REIMANN ARCHITEKTEN were responsible for the project, while the structural design was carried out by the engineering firm Rüdiger Jockwer, Berlin.
For the dome, the planners developed a concept following extensive preliminary investigations and in close consultation with the monument preservation authorities, which dispensed with the need to reinforce the historic supporting structure. Instead, a new ribbed structure made of glued laminated timber took over the load transfer. Following extensive sponge restoration and minor localised interventions (such as on the previously walled-in parts), the existing structure was thus preserved without any further major loss of substance. Today, it is considered to be the oldest plank truss construction in Germany, at least in parts.
Since the completion of the construction work, the Tieranatomisches Theater, which has been revitalised in an exemplary manner, has served as an exhibition and event building for the Hermann von Helmholtz Centre for Cultural Technology (HZK) as part of the Humboldt University.

The structural design of the plank dome
Born in Silesia, Carl Gotthard Langhans (1732-1808) moved with his family to Berlin in 1786, where Friedrich Wilhelm II appointed him director of the newly founded Oberhofbauamt in 1788. He spent the last years of his life in Breslau again.
Langhans is regarded in Prussia as a leading protagonist of the transition from Rococo to early Classicism. As a master builder in the best sense of the word, he saw construction as an inherent part of the new architecture. He made enthusiastic use of the latest building techniques of his time. Alongside the Brandenburg Gate, the Tieranatomisches Theater and its ribbed dome, with which Langhans introduced the plank roof to Prussia, are exemplary of this. He subsequently took up the concept in numerous other designs and realisations. The final point was the enormous plank roof over his last major building project, the "National Theatre" on Gendarmenmarkt (1800-03).
Carl Samuel Held (1766-1845), building inspector at the Oberhofbauamt, is named as the construction manager. He was probably simply too young to influence the structural design. A decade later, however, he was to introduce the plank roof in Gdansk as the city's master builder with the theatre for which he was responsible.
The structural design of the plank dome
Born in Silesia, Carl Gotthard Langhans (1732-1808) moved with his family to Berlin in 1786, where Friedrich Wilhelm II appointed him director of the newly founded Oberhofbauamt in 1788. He spent the last years of his life in Breslau again.
Langhans is regarded in Prussia as a leading protagonist of the transition from Rococo to early Classicism. As a master builder in the best sense of the word, he saw construction as an inherent part of the new architecture. He made enthusiastic use of the latest building techniques of his time. Alongside the Brandenburg Gate, the Tieranatomisches Theater and its ribbed dome, with which Langhans introduced the plank roof to Prussia, are exemplary of this. He subsequently took up the concept in numerous other designs and realisations. The final point was the enormous plank roof over his last major building project, the "National Theatre" on Gendarmenmarkt (1800-03).
Carl Samuel Held (1766-1845), building inspector at the Oberhofbauamt, is named as the construction manager. He was probably simply too young to influence the structural design. A decade later, however, he was to introduce the plank roof in Gdansk as the city's master builder with the theatre for which he was responsible.
Key data
Location: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Construction period: 1789/90
Design and structural planning: Carl Gotthard Langhans
Construction management: Carl Samuel Held
The author would like to thank Ingo Dreger, Kleinmachnow, and David Hoolly-Bauforschung, Berlin, for kindly providing the documents for the building research and basic restoration 2003-2012.
Key data
Location: Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Construction period: 1789/90
Design and structural planning: Carl Gotthard Langhans
Construction management: Carl Samuel Held
The author would like to thank Ingo Dreger, Kleinmachnow, and David Hoolly-Bauforschung, Berlin, for kindly providing the documents for the building research and basic restoration 2003-2012.